Sandro Paolucci specialises in commercial law, corporate law and European law. He has extensive domestic and international experience acting for both corporate and private clients on Italian, Slovenian and international law transactions.

Sandro holds a law degree from the University of Perugia, Italy, and he was awarded a PhD from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, for his thesis "La traduzione delle denominazioni degli organi costituzionali sloveni nei testi giuridici: la traduzione della Costituzione della Repubblica di Slovenia in italiano. Translating Names of Slovenian State Bodies in Legal Texts: The Italian Translation of the Slovenian Constitution".


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 2013, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Law Degree 1991, University of Perugia, Italy 


University teacher on contractual basis of Italian Legal Terminology at the Faculty of Law of Ljubljana, Slovenia (since 2000)
University teacher on contractual basis of Italian Business Terminology at the Faculty of Economics of Ljubljana, Slovenia (since 2000)
Bucik Law Firm, Of Counsel (since 2004)
Bibi Law Firm, Perugia, Italy, Of Counsel (since 1991)
Chair for European Commercial Law of Faculty of Law at the University of Perugia, Italy (1991)


PAOLUCCI, Sandro, Translating Names of Slovenian State Bodies in Legal Texts: The Italian Translation of the Slovenian Constitution, JoSTrans, 2016

PAOLUCCI, Sandro, Strategia estraniante e strategia addomesticante nella traduzione dei testi giuridici, (Zwischen) Sprache und Recht/(Entre) la langue et le droit, Linguistica, Ljubljana, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete/Presses scientifiques de la Faculté des Lettres, 2013, (COBISS.SI-ID External link opens in new tab or window53593698)

PAOLUCCI, Sandro, The problem of equivalence in translating legal texts. Lebende Sprachen, 2011 (COBISS.SI-ID External link opens in new tab or window47155554)

LENASSI, Nives, PAOLUCCI, Sandro, L’italiano nella gestione e comunicazione aziendale, Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, 2009

LENASSI, Nives, PAOLUCCI, Sandro, Argomenti di italiano commerciale, Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, 2002

LENASSI, Nives, PAOLUCCI, Sandro, L'italiano per le relazioni commerciali, Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, 2001


Italian, English, French, Slovenian


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