Thanks to its outstanding expertise and many years of experience in inheritance law, Bucik Law Firm is your reliable legal partner when it comes to the efficient settlement of inheritance law issues. We will competently guide you through the complex issues of inheritance law, in particular:


  • Estate planning – with wills and contracts
  • Disclaimer of interest
  • Community of heirs
  • Certificate of inheritance procedure
  • Court proceedings in inheritance law
  • Compulsory portion right
  • Execution of a will
  • Legacy
  • Inheritance tax

Professional inheritance and succession regulations are particularly important for entrepreneurs. In collaboration with tax advisors and notaries, we develop solutions that take as many aspects into account as possible: smooth continuation of the company, optimal tax consequences, and family peace of mind.

We advise and represent our clients in all areas of German, Austrian, Italian and Slovenian inheritance law, in Germany, Austria, Italy and Slovenia.

We have special expertise and experience in European and international inheritance law, both with references to other EU countries and non-EU countries (Switzerland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, Serbia).

Our succession experience includes:

  • Representing an Italian national in proceedings before German courts for enforcement of several Italian court judgments against a German national, an heir of the debtor. The assets of the deceased debtor were in Switzerland and Lichtenstein.

  • Advising German heirs of a German citizen with habitual residence in Germany and representing them in courts where the deceased's partner, a Slovenian citizen, claimed inheritance rights under Slovenian law. The estate was located in Germany, Switzerland and Slovenia. The European Union and German inheritance law and German family law applied.

  • Advising Slovenian heirs of a German citizen and representing them in inheritance proceedings in Germany.

  • Advising and representing a German national, a daughter and heir of a Slovenian national, in inheritance proceedings in Slovenia. The estate is located in Germany, Switzerland and Slovenia.

  • Advising and representing a German citizen, a daughter and heir of a Slovenian citizen, in inheritance proceedings in Slovenia and Germany. The testator's last habitual residence was in Germany, the assets were located in Slovenia and Germany. Slovenian, German and EU inheritance law applied.

  • Advising heirs, the widow and a daughter of a Slovenian national, regarding a disputed share of the testator in a German GmbH. German company law, Slovenian family law and Slovenian inheritance law applied.

  • Acting for German heirs of a Slovenian citizen in relation to debt charges of an Austrian bank against the deceased.

  • Acting for the heirs of a Slovenian citizen on succession matters in Germany.

  • Advising spouses, US and UK expats in Slovenia, on succession matters including EU Succession Regulation, and drafting wills as to their assets in Slovenia.

  • Acting for Slovenian beneficiaries in succession proceedings in Canada, in cooperation with an Edmonton law firm.

  • Acting for a beneficiary, a German citizen, in complex succession matters in Slovenia, including defending the beneficiary in probate courts against the claims of the deceased's former partner, assisting in the sale of the inherited real estate, as well as representing in real estate and inheritance tax proceedings.

  • Advising a German citizen on Slovenian law of succession and representing him in Slovenian probate court.

  • Advising Italian citizens, heirs of a testator residing in Slovenia, on Slovenian inheritance law and representing them in inheritance proceedings in Slovenia as well as in the sale of inherited real estate.

  • Litigating on behalf of a beneficiary in a dispute concerning the interpretation of a will.

  • Advising Slovenian citizens on succession planning under the Slovenian law of succession and tax law, drafting wills and representing them in probate courts.


Munich Office
RECHTSANWALTSKANZLEI BUCIK, Plinganserstr. 24, 81369 Munich, Germany
T: External link opens in new tab or window+49 89 9973 0955  E:

Padua Office
STUDIO LEGALE BUCIK, Piazza De Gasperi, n.45/A, 35131 Padova, Italy
T: External link opens in new tab or window+39 3339491295  E:

Ljubljana Office
ODVETNIŠKA PISARNA BUCIK, Kotnikova ul. 28, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: External link opens in new tab or window+386 1 232 1960  E: